Welcome to – EASY PARKING

1 Tariffs:

1.1 “Company” means the company operating the car parks.

1.2 “Vehicle” means any vehicle inside car parks, and includes any motorized vehicle on wheels or any truck, including its accessories and accessories.

1.3 “Customer” means those who have retired to use the car parks within the scope of King Faisal Specialist Hospital or any person who has the right to use these parking lots under a lease agreement with the company.

2 The company’s liability for damages and loss of property:

The Company and its employees, agents, and representatives shall not be liable for loss, vandalism, theft or any damages that may occur to vehicles located within the car parking area.

3 The company's liability for personal accidents or death - God forbid -

The Company and its employees, agents, and representatives do not accept or assume any responsibility for death incidents resulting from personal injury caused by any customer within the parking area.

4 complaints procedures:

If your vehicle is damaged while you are in the parking lot or if your vehicle or any of your belongings are lost from the vehicle while in the parking lot, you must:

4.1 Immediately inform one of the company's security personnel.

4.2 In case of theft report to the police.

4.3 Inform the insurance company.

5 Insurance of your vehicle:

Before leaving the car park, you must make sure that:

5.1 Your vehicle is securely locked.

5.2 That all of your vehicle windows are closed and secured.

5.3 Activate the steering wheel lock (if available).

5.4 Do not leave children inside the vehicle.

5.5 Do not leave any valuables or important documents inside the vehicle.

6 Damage to other vehicles or car park property:

In the event that you cause any damage to another vehicle or any property or equipment located within the parking area, you must immediately report it to one of the security personnel and provide him with the form number or plate number of the damaged private vehicle, your name, full address, the name of the vehicle insurance company and the number of your insurance policy. You may have to compensate the company as a result of the damage to its car parking facilities, or pay the value of repairing the damages upon its request.

7 Security and safety in car parks:

7.1 You should be careful while driving inside the car parks.

7.2 You must park your vehicle in designated parking spaces.

7.3 It is forbidden for children to play in car parks, as well as not to be left unattended.

7.4 You must be careful of other vehicles while they are on the move.

7.5 You must follow all instructions published by the company inside the car parks, and you must follow any instructions provided to you by any employee or official client of a company that regulates the movement or movement of vehicles inside the car parks.

7.6 Ensure that no animals are left inside the vehicle.

8 parking tickets:

1-8 The tickets issued are valid for the cars to which they were issued only.

8.2 The company has the right not to allow the vehicle to leave the car park until the entry ticket is presented by the customer.

8.3 In the event of losing the ticket, the customer must pay a fine of 100 Saudi riyals in addition to paying the parking fees.


9 Moving or changing the locations of vehicles:

9.1 The company has the right (in exceptional cases) to move the vehicle within the parking lot, either to avoid obstructing the rotation of other vehicles or to organize the parking of vehicles between the parking lots.

9.2 The company may move vehicles in emergency situations or force majeure, within the parking lot, whether to ensure the safety of vehicles or any other vehicles or to ensure the safety of the parking facilities and you will be notified if the vehicles are moved to another location.

10 Fees:

10.1 The company has the right to collect the fees shown in the car parks in accordance with what is mentioned in paragraph (3.8).

10.2 The Company has the right to change the fees from time to time.

10.3 All fees and fines will be subject to VAT.

11 Prohibited activities:

11.1 No maintenance, repair, washing or cleaning of vehicles by customers is permitted within the car park area.

11.2 It is not allowed to display or sell vehicles within the parking lot.

11.3 Vehicles are not allowed to obstruct the entry or rotation of other vehicles within the parking lot.

11.4 No person shall be permitted to commit any act that may put the Company or the users of the car parks in an uncomfortable position.

11.5 No person shall be permitted to do any act that would breach or invalidate any laws affecting insurance.

11.6 No person is allowed to make annoying noises, vibrations, or exhaust fumes within the car park area.

11.7 No person is allowed to park his vehicle in places other than those designated for parking cars or in places designated for an individual or company, which will be indicated by distinct signs, which will expose the vehicle owner to a violation of 172 Saudi riyals.

11.8 It is strictly forbidden to throw trash inside the car parks.

11.9 It is strictly forbidden to throw or transport any fuel or flammable materials from the vehicle inside the car park.

12 Vehicle Sizes:

You must constantly check the conditions that may change over time, and that are specific to certain specifications in the length, width and height of vehicles that are allowed to park within the parking area.

13 Amendment to the Terms and Conditions:

13.1 Any breach of these Terms and Conditions must be documented by the Company's legal representative.

13.2 The Company has the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time.

14 Acceptance of terms and conditions:

When issuing the parking entry ticket, the customer is considered to be bound by and acknowledge all the terms and conditions stated therein.

15 Maximum vehicle presence in car parks:

All vehicles in the car park must not exceed a maximum of 90 mils.

16 Complaints and suggestions:

For complaints and suggestions, please contact: